Cryptocurrency SQL Case Study

Data with Danny - SQL masterclass - O’Reilly. With R solutions for Part 4: Window functions.

Sandra Jurela


November 25, 2022


On November 18, 2022 I attended the SQL masterclass “SQL and PostgreSQL for Data Analytics”, presented live by Danny Ma on O’Reilly platform.

This Github repository contains all the necessary data, sql scripts, and other materials.

I’m posting some parts of it here for my own reference, but I strongly recommend that you register for that event that takes place every once in a while. It’s free and worth it. Danny Ma is an excellent teacher and his explanations are outstanding.

Setting up the programming environment

For the purposes of this project, I created the local trading Postgres database on my machine and ran the sql script to create and populate the tables.

# loading packages

The sql engine uses the DBI package to execute SQL queries, print their results, and optionally assign the results to a data frame. To use the sql engine, we first need to establish a DBI connection to a database (typically via the DBI::dbConnect() function).

Creating a connection to the trading database

mycon <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), 
                        dbname = "trading", 
                        host = "localhost",  
                        port = "5432",  
                        user = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database username"),
                        password = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password"))

There are several options to secure your credentials in R. Here I use prompting for credentials via rstudioapi.

<PqConnection> trading@localhost:5432


In this fictitious case study - Danny’s data mentors from the Data With Danny team have been busy trading cryptocurrency markets since 2017.

The main purpose for this case study is to analyze the performance of the DWD mentors over time. We will accomplish this by writing SQL queries to utilize all available datasets to answer a series of realistic business questions.

Available Datasets

All of our data for this case study exists within the trading schema in the PostgreSQL database.

There are 3 data tables available in this schema:

  • members
  • prices
  • transactions

Entity Relationship Diagram

I drew the ERD here.

Data Dictionary and Overview

The trading.members table consists of information about the mentors from the Data With Danny team.

trading.members table
Column name Description
member_id unique id for each mentor
first_name first name for each mentor
region region where each mentor is from
SELECT * FROM trading.members
14 records
member_id first_name region
c4ca42 Danny Australia
c81e72 Vipul United States
eccbc8 Charlie United States
a87ff6 Nandita United States
e4da3b Rowan United States
167909 Ayush United States
8f14e4 Alex United States
c9f0f8 Abe United States
45c48c Ben Australia
d3d944 Enoch Africa
6512bd Vikram India
c20ad4 Leah Asia
c51ce4 Pavan Australia
aab323 Sonia Australia

The trading.prices table consists of daily price and volume information from January 2017 through to August 2021 for the 2 most popular cryptocurrency tickers: Bitcoin and Ethereum.

trading.prices table
Column name Description
ticker one of either BTC or ETH
market_date the date for each record
price closing price at end of day
open the opening price
high the highest price for that day
low the lowest price for that day
volume the total volume traded
change % change in daily price

The first 5 rows from this dataset.

SELECT * FROM trading.prices LIMIT 5
5 records
ticker market_date price open high low volume change
ETH 2021-08-29 3177.84 3243.96 3282.21 3162.79 582.04K -2.04%
ETH 2021-08-28 3243.90 3273.78 3284.58 3212.24 466.21K -0.91%
ETH 2021-08-27 3273.58 3093.78 3279.93 3063.37 839.54K 5.82%
ETH 2021-08-26 3093.54 3228.03 3249.62 3057.48 118.44K -4.17%
ETH 2021-08-25 3228.15 3172.12 3247.43 3080.70 923.13K 1.73%

The trading.transactions table consists of buy and sell transactions data for each trade made by the DWD mentors.

trading.transactions table
Column name Description
txn_id unique ID for each transaction
member_id member identifier for each trade
ticker the ticker for each trade
txn_date the date for each transaction
txn_type either BUY or SELL
quantity the total quantity for each trade
percentage_fee % of total amount charged as fees
txn_time the timestamp for each trade

The first 5 frows from this transactions table.

SELECT * FROM trading.transactions LIMIT 5
5 records
txn_id member_id ticker txn_date txn_type quantity percentage_fee txn_time
1 c81e72 BTC 2017-01-01 BUY 50 0.3 2017-01-01
2 eccbc8 BTC 2017-01-01 BUY 50 0.3 2017-01-01
3 a87ff6 BTC 2017-01-01 BUY 50 0.0 2017-01-01
4 e4da3b BTC 2017-01-01 BUY 50 0.3 2017-01-01
5 167909 BTC 2017-01-01 BUY 50 0.3 2017-01-01

PART 1️⃣: Basic Data Analysis Techniques

Question 1.1

Show only the top 5 rows from the trading.members table.

FROM trading.members
5 records
member_id first_name region
c4ca42 Danny Australia
c81e72 Vipul United States
eccbc8 Charlie United States
a87ff6 Nandita United States
e4da3b Rowan United States

Question 1.2

Sort all the rows in the trading.members table by first_name in alphabetical order and show the top 3 rows with all columns.

FROM trading.members
ORDER BY first_name
3 records
member_id first_name region
c9f0f8 Abe United States
8f14e4 Alex United States
167909 Ayush United States

Question 1.3

Count the number of records from the trading.members table which have United States as the region value.

  COUNT(*) AS record_count
FROM trading.members
WHERE region = 'United States'
1 records

Question 1.4

Select only the first_name and region columns for mentors who are not from Australia.

FROM trading.members
WHERE region != 'Australia'
Displaying records 1 - 10
first_name region
Vipul United States
Charlie United States
Nandita United States
Rowan United States
Ayush United States
Alex United States
Abe United States
Enoch Africa
Vikram India
Leah Asia

Question 1.5

Return only the unique region values from the trading.members table and sort the output by reverse alphabetical order.

FROM trading.members
5 records
United States

PART 2️⃣: Aggregate Functions for Data Analysis

Question 2.1

How many records are there per ticker value in the trading.prices table?

  COUNT(*) AS record_count
FROM trading.prices
GROUP BY ticker
2 records
ticker record_count
BTC 1702
ETH 1702

Question 2.2

What is the maximum, minimum values for the price column for both Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2020?

  MIN(price) AS min_price,
  MAX(price) AS max_price
FROM trading.prices
WHERE market_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-12-31'
GROUP BY ticker
2 records
ticker min_price max_price
BTC 4826.0 28949.4
ETH 107.9 751.8

Question 2.3

What is the annual minimum, maximum and average price for each ticker?

  • Include a calendar_year column with the year from 2017 through to 2021
  • Calculate a spread column which calculates the difference between the min and max prices
  • Round the average price output to 2 decimal places
  • Sort the output in chronological order with Bitcoin records before Ethereum within each year
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM market_date) AS calendar_year,
  MIN(price) AS min_price,
  MAX(price) AS max_price,
  ROUND(AVG(price)::NUMERIC, 2) AS avg_price,
  MAX(price) - MIN(price) AS spread
FROM trading.prices
GROUP BY calendar_year, ticker
ORDER BY calendar_year, ticker
Displaying records 1 - 10
calendar_year ticker min_price max_price avg_price spread
2017 BTC 785.40 19345.50 3981.07 18560.10
2017 ETH 8.20 799.98 220.34 791.78
2018 BTC 3228.70 17172.30 7552.16 13943.60
2018 ETH 83.81 1380.00 481.33 1296.19
2019 BTC 3397.70 13063.80 7371.82 9666.10
2019 ETH 104.55 338.54 180.99 233.99
2020 BTC 4826.00 28949.40 11111.63 24123.40
2020 ETH 107.90 751.80 307.30 643.90
2021 BTC 29359.90 63540.90 44353.55 34181.00
2021 ETH 729.12 4167.78 2199.12 3438.66

Question 2.4

What is the monthly average of the price column for each ticker from January 2020 and after?

  • Create a month_start column with the first day of each month
  • Sort the output by ticker in alphabetical order and months in chronological order
  • Round the average_price column to 2 decimal places
  DATE_TRUNC('MON', market_date)::DATE AS month_start,
  ROUND(AVG(price)::NUMERIC, 2) AS average_price
FROM trading.prices
WHERE market_date >= '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY ticker, month_start
ORDER BY ticker, month_start
Displaying records 1 - 10
ticker month_start average_price
BTC 2020-01-01 8378.80
BTC 2020-02-01 9636.56
BTC 2020-03-01 6863.11
BTC 2020-04-01 7211.03
BTC 2020-05-01 9253.55
BTC 2020-06-01 9481.85
BTC 2020-07-01 9592.10
BTC 2020-08-01 11638.41
BTC 2020-09-01 10643.33
BTC 2020-10-01 11888.36

PART 3️⃣: Case When Statements

Question 3.1

Convert the volume column in the trading.prices table with an adjusted integer value to take into the unit values

  • Return only the market_date, price, volume and adjusted_volume columns for the first 10 days of August 2021 for Ethereum only
    WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'K' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume) - 1)::NUMERIC * 1000 
    WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'M' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume) - 1)::NUMERIC * 1000000 
    WHEN volume = '-' THEN 0
    END AS adjusted_volume
FROM trading.prices
WHERE ticker = 'ETH'
  AND market_date BETWEEN '2021-08-01' AND '2021-08-10'
ORDER BY market_date
Displaying records 1 - 10
market_date price volume adjusted_volume
2021-08-01 2556.23 1.20M 1200000
2021-08-02 2608.04 970.67K 970670
2021-08-03 2506.65 158.45K 158450
2021-08-04 2725.29 1.23M 1230000
2021-08-05 2827.21 1.65M 1650000
2021-08-06 2889.43 1.06M 1060000
2021-08-07 3158.00 64.84K 64840
2021-08-08 3012.07 1.25M 1250000
2021-08-09 3162.93 1.44M 1440000
2021-08-10 3140.71 1.12M 1120000

Question 3.2

How many “breakout” days were there in 2020 where the price column is greater than the open column for each ticker? In the same query also calculate the number of “non breakout” days where the price column was lower than or equal to the open column.

  SUM(CASE WHEN price > open THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS breakout_days,
  SUM(CASE WHEN price <= open THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS non_breakout_days
FROM trading.prices
WHERE market_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-12-31'
GROUP BY ticker
2 records
ticker breakout_days non_breakout_days
BTC 207 159
ETH 200 166

Question 3.3

What was the final quantity Bitcoin and Ethereum held by all Data With Danny mentors based off the trading.transactions table?

  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN -quantity ELSE quantity END) AS final_btc_holding
FROM trading.transactions
GROUP BY ticker
2 records
ticker final_btc_holding
BTC 42848.67
ETH 32801.04

Divided by quantity bought and quantity sold.

  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'BUY' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS qty_bought,
  SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type = 'SELL' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS qty_sold
FROM trading.transactions
GROUP BY ticker
2 records
ticker qty_bought qty_sold
BTC 53250.15 10401.485
ETH 42599.20 9798.154

PART 4️⃣: Window Functions

Question 4.1

What are the market_date, price and volume and price_rank values for the days with the top 5 highest price values for each tickers in the trading.prices table?

  • The price_rank column is the ranking for price values for each ticker with rank = 1 for the highest value.
  • Return the output for Bitcoin, followed by Ethereum in price rank order.
WITH cte_rank AS (
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY price DESC) AS price_rank
  FROM trading.prices

FROM cte_rank
WHERE price_rank <= 5
ORDER BY ticker, price_rank
Displaying records 1 - 10
ticker market_date price volume price_rank
BTC 2021-04-13 63540.90 126.56K 1
BTC 2021-04-15 63216.00 76.97K 2
BTC 2021-04-14 62980.40 130.43K 3
BTC 2021-04-16 61379.70 136.85K 4
BTC 2021-03-13 61195.30 134.64K 5
ETH 2021-05-11 4167.78 1.27M 1
ETH 2021-05-14 4075.38 2.06M 2
ETH 2021-05-10 3947.90 2.70M 3
ETH 2021-05-09 3922.23 1.94M 4
ETH 2021-05-08 3905.55 1.34M 5

Question 4.1 - solution

members <- read_csv("data/members_tbl.csv")
prices <- read_csv("data/prices_tbl.csv")
transactions <- read_csv("data/transactions_tbl.csv")

prices %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 8
  ticker market_date price  open  high   low volume  change
  <chr>  <date>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <chr> 
1 ETH    2021-08-29  3178. 3244. 3282. 3163. 582.04K -2.04%
2 ETH    2021-08-28  3244. 3274. 3285. 3212. 466.21K -0.91%
3 ETH    2021-08-27  3274. 3094. 3280. 3063. 839.54K 5.82% 
4 ETH    2021-08-26  3094. 3228. 3250. 3057. 118.44K -4.17%
5 ETH    2021-08-25  3228. 3172. 3247. 3081. 923.13K 1.73% 
6 ETH    2021-08-24  3173. 3323. 3358. 3151. 988.82K -4.41%
# R solution
prices %>% 
  select(ticker, market_date, price, volume) %>% 
  group_by(ticker) %>% 
  arrange(ticker, desc(price)) %>% 
  mutate(price_rank = row_number()) %>% 
  filter(price_rank <=5)
# A tibble: 10 × 5
# Groups:   ticker [2]
   ticker market_date  price volume  price_rank
   <chr>  <date>       <dbl> <chr>        <int>
 1 BTC    2021-04-13  63541. 126.56K          1
 2 BTC    2021-04-15  63216  76.97K           2
 3 BTC    2021-04-14  62980. 130.43K          3
 4 BTC    2021-04-16  61380. 136.85K          4
 5 BTC    2021-03-13  61195. 134.64K          5
 6 ETH    2021-05-11   4168. 1.27M            1
 7 ETH    2021-05-14   4075. 2.06M            2
 8 ETH    2021-05-10   3948. 2.70M            3
 9 ETH    2021-05-09   3922. 1.94M            4
10 ETH    2021-05-08   3906. 1.34M            5

Question 4.2

Calculate a 7 day rolling average for the price and volume columns in the trading.prices table for each ticker.

  • Return only the first 10 days of August 2021
-- Step 1 - Adjusted prices CTE
WITH cte_adjusted_prices AS (
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'K' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'M' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000000
      WHEN volume = '-' THEN 0
    END AS volume
  FROM trading.prices

-- Step 2 - Moving Averages CTE
cte_moving_averages AS (
    AVG(price) OVER (
      PARTITION BY ticker
      ORDER BY market_date
    ) AS moving_avg_price,
    AVG(volume) OVER (
      PARTITION BY ticker
      ORDER BY market_date
    ) AS moving_avg_volume
  FROM cte_adjusted_prices

-- final output
SELECT * FROM cte_moving_averages
WHERE market_date BETWEEN '2021-08-01' AND '2021-08-10'
ORDER BY ticker, market_date;
20 records
ticker market_date price moving_avg_price volume moving_avg_volume
BTC 2021-08-01 39878.30 40052.657 80330 103645.71
BTC 2021-08-02 39168.40 40322.914 74810 88957.14
BTC 2021-08-03 38130.30 40134.100 260 74674.29
BTC 2021-08-04 39736.90 40096.057 79220 64717.14
BTC 2021-08-05 40867.20 40219.743 130600 72617.14
BTC 2021-08-06 42795.40 40304.314 111930 74542.86
BTC 2021-08-07 44614.20 40741.529 112840 84284.29
BTC 2021-08-08 43792.80 41300.743 105250 87844.29
BTC 2021-08-09 46284.30 42317.300 117080 93882.86
BTC 2021-08-10 45593.80 43383.514 80550 105352.86
ETH 2021-08-01 2556.23 2394.166 1200000 1069824.29
ETH 2021-08-02 2608.04 2448.239 970670 938491.43
ETH 2021-08-03 2506.65 2477.729 158450 782555.71
ETH 2021-08-04 2725.29 2538.611 1230000 819850.00
ETH 2021-08-05 2827.21 2602.366 1650000 963742.86
ETH 2021-08-06 2889.43 2663.577 1060000 968028.57
ETH 2021-08-07 3158.00 2752.979 64840 904851.43
ETH 2021-08-08 3012.07 2818.099 1250000 911994.29
ETH 2021-08-09 3162.93 2897.369 1440000 979041.43
ETH 2021-08-10 3140.71 2987.949 1120000 1116405.71

Question 4.2 - solution

prices %>% 
  mutate(volume = case_when(
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "K" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^3,
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "M" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^6,
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "-" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 0)
  ) %>% 
  group_by(ticker) %>% 
  arrange(ticker, market_date) %>% 
  mutate(moving_avg_price = zoo::rollmean(price, k = 7, align = "right", fill = NA),
         moving_avg_volume = zoo::rollmean(volume, k = 7, align = "right", fill = NA)) %>% 
  select(ticker, market_date, price, moving_avg_price, volume, moving_avg_volume) %>% 
  filter(market_date >= "2021-08-01", market_date <= "2021-08-10") 
# A tibble: 20 × 6
# Groups:   ticker [2]
   ticker market_date  price moving_avg_price  volume moving_avg_volume
   <chr>  <date>       <dbl>            <dbl>   <dbl>             <dbl>
 1 BTC    2021-08-01  39878.           40053.   80330           103646.
 2 BTC    2021-08-02  39168.           40323.   74810            88957.
 3 BTC    2021-08-03  38130.           40134.     260            74674.
 4 BTC    2021-08-04  39737.           40096.   79220            64717.
 5 BTC    2021-08-05  40867.           40220.  130600            72617.
 6 BTC    2021-08-06  42795.           40304.  111930            74543.
 7 BTC    2021-08-07  44614.           40742.  112840            84284.
 8 BTC    2021-08-08  43793.           41301.  105250            87844.
 9 BTC    2021-08-09  46284.           42317.  117080            93883.
10 BTC    2021-08-10  45594.           43384.   80550           105353.
11 ETH    2021-08-01   2556.            2394. 1200000          1069824.
12 ETH    2021-08-02   2608.            2448.  970670           938491.
13 ETH    2021-08-03   2507.            2478.  158450           782556.
14 ETH    2021-08-04   2725.            2539. 1230000           819850 
15 ETH    2021-08-05   2827.            2602. 1650000           963743.
16 ETH    2021-08-06   2889.            2664. 1060000           968029.
17 ETH    2021-08-07   3158             2753.   64840           904851.
18 ETH    2021-08-08   3012.            2818. 1250000           911994.
19 ETH    2021-08-09   3163.            2897. 1440000           979041.
20 ETH    2021-08-10   3141.            2988. 1120000          1116406.

Question 4.3

Calculate the monthly cumulative volume traded for each ticker in 2020

  • Sort the output by ticker in chronological order with the month_start as the first day of each month
WITH cte_monthly_volume AS (
    DATE_TRUNC('MON', market_date)::DATE AS month_start,
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'K' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'M' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000000
      WHEN volume = '-' THEN 0
  ) AS monthly_volume
  FROM trading.prices
  WHERE market_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-12-31'
  GROUP BY ticker, month_start

  SUM(monthly_volume) OVER (
    PARTITION BY ticker
    ORDER BY month_start
  ) AS cumulative_monthly_volume
FROM cte_monthly_volume
ORDER BY ticker, month_start
Displaying records 1 - 10
ticker month_start cumulative_monthly_volume
BTC 2020-01-01 23451920
BTC 2020-02-01 46839130
BTC 2020-03-01 94680450
BTC 2020-04-01 134302740
BTC 2020-05-01 172687010
BTC 2020-06-01 188026610
BTC 2020-07-01 201272600
BTC 2020-08-01 216762630
BTC 2020-09-01 300641440
BTC 2020-10-01 303060020

Question 4.3 - solution

prices %>% 
  select(ticker, market_date, volume) %>% 
  filter(market_date >= "2020-01-01", market_date <= "2020-12-31") %>% 
  mutate(month_start = lubridate::floor_date(market_date, unit = "month")) %>% 
  group_by(ticker, month_start) %>% 
  summarise(monthly_volume = sum(
      str_sub(volume, -1) == "K" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^3,
      str_sub(volume, -1) == "M" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^6,
      str_sub(volume, -1) == "-" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 0)
  ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(ticker) %>% 
  mutate(cumulative_monthly_volume = cumsum(monthly_volume)) %>% 
# A tibble: 24 × 4
   ticker month_start monthly_volume cumulative_monthly_volume
   <chr>  <date>               <dbl>                     <dbl>
 1 BTC    2020-01-01        23451920                  23451920
 2 BTC    2020-02-01        23387210                  46839130
 3 BTC    2020-03-01        47841320                  94680450
 4 BTC    2020-04-01        39622290                 134302740
 5 BTC    2020-05-01        38384270                 172687010
 6 BTC    2020-06-01        15339600                 188026610
 7 BTC    2020-07-01        13245990                 201272600
 8 BTC    2020-08-01        15490030                 216762630
 9 BTC    2020-09-01        83878810                 300641440
10 BTC    2020-10-01         2418580                 303060020
# … with 14 more rows

Question 4.4

Calculate the daily percentage change in volume for each ticker in the trading.prices table

  • Percentage change can be calculated as (current - previous) / previous
  • Multiply the percentage by 100 and round the value to 2 decimal places
  • Return data for the first 10 days of August 2021
WITH cte_adjusted_prices AS (
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'K' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000
      WHEN RIGHT(volume, 1) = 'M' THEN LEFT(volume, LENGTH(volume)-1)::NUMERIC * 1000000
      WHEN volume = '-' THEN 0
    END AS volume
  FROM trading.prices

cte_previous_volume AS (
    LAG(volume) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY market_date) AS previous_volume
  FROM cte_adjusted_prices
  WHERE volume != 0
  ROUND(100 * (volume - previous_volume) / previous_volume, 2) AS daily_change
FROM cte_previous_volume
WHERE market_date BETWEEN '2021-08-01' AND '2021-08-10'
ORDER BY ticker, market_date
20 records
ticker market_date volume previous_volume daily_change
BTC 2021-08-01 80330 44650 79.91
BTC 2021-08-02 74810 80330 -6.87
BTC 2021-08-03 260 74810 -99.65
BTC 2021-08-04 79220 260 30369.23
BTC 2021-08-05 130600 79220 64.86
BTC 2021-08-06 111930 130600 -14.30
BTC 2021-08-07 112840 111930 0.81
BTC 2021-08-08 105250 112840 -6.73
BTC 2021-08-09 117080 105250 11.24
BTC 2021-08-10 80550 117080 -31.20
ETH 2021-08-01 1200000 507080 136.65
ETH 2021-08-02 970670 1200000 -19.11
ETH 2021-08-03 158450 970670 -83.68
ETH 2021-08-04 1230000 158450 676.27
ETH 2021-08-05 1650000 1230000 34.15
ETH 2021-08-06 1060000 1650000 -35.76
ETH 2021-08-07 64840 1060000 -93.88
ETH 2021-08-08 1250000 64840 1827.82
ETH 2021-08-09 1440000 1250000 15.20
ETH 2021-08-10 1120000 1440000 -22.22

Question 4.4 - solution

prices %>% 
  select(ticker, market_date, volume) %>% 
  mutate(volume = case_when(
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "K" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^3,
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "M" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 10^6,
    str_sub(volume, -1) == "-" ~ as.numeric(str_sub(volume, 1, str_length(volume) - 1)) * 0)
  ) %>% 
  arrange(ticker, market_date) %>% 
  mutate(volume_prev_day = lag(volume)) %>% 
  mutate(daily_change_perc = round(100*(volume - volume_prev_day)/volume_prev_day, 2)) %>% 
  filter(market_date >= "2021-08-01", market_date <= "2021-08-10") 
# A tibble: 20 × 5
   ticker market_date  volume volume_prev_day daily_change_perc
   <chr>  <date>        <dbl>           <dbl>             <dbl>
 1 BTC    2021-08-01    80330           44650             79.9 
 2 BTC    2021-08-02    74810           80330             -6.87
 3 BTC    2021-08-03      260           74810            -99.6 
 4 BTC    2021-08-04    79220             260          30369.  
 5 BTC    2021-08-05   130600           79220             64.9 
 6 BTC    2021-08-06   111930          130600            -14.3 
 7 BTC    2021-08-07   112840          111930              0.81
 8 BTC    2021-08-08   105250          112840             -6.73
 9 BTC    2021-08-09   117080          105250             11.2 
10 BTC    2021-08-10    80550          117080            -31.2 
11 ETH    2021-08-01  1200000          507080            137.  
12 ETH    2021-08-02   970670         1200000            -19.1 
13 ETH    2021-08-03   158450          970670            -83.7 
14 ETH    2021-08-04  1230000          158450            676.  
15 ETH    2021-08-05  1650000         1230000             34.2 
16 ETH    2021-08-06  1060000         1650000            -35.8 
17 ETH    2021-08-07    64840         1060000            -93.9 
18 ETH    2021-08-08  1250000           64840           1828.  
19 ETH    2021-08-09  1440000         1250000             15.2 
20 ETH    2021-08-10  1120000         1440000            -22.2 

PART 5️⃣: Table Joins

Question 5.1 - Inner Joins

Which top 3 mentors have the most Bitcoin quantity? Return the first_name of the mentors and sort the output from highest to lowest total_quantity.

      WHEN t.txn_type = 'BUY' THEN t.quantity 
      WHEN t.txn_type = 'SELL' THEN -t.quantity 
  ) AS total_quantity
FROM trading.transactions t
INNER JOIN trading.members m
  ON t.member_id = m.member_id
WHERE ticker = 'BTC' 
GROUP By m.first_name
ORDER BY total_quantity DESC
3 records
first_name total_quantity
Nandita 4160.220
Leah 4046.091
Ayush 3945.198

Question 5.2 - Left Joins

Show the market_date values which have less than 5 transactions? Sort the output in reverse chronological order.

  COUNT(t.txn_id) AS transaction_count
FROM trading.prices p
LEFT JOIN trading.transactions t
  ON p.market_date = t.txn_date
  AND p.ticker = t.ticker
GROUP BY p.market_date
HAVING COUNT(t.txn_id) < 5
ORDER BY p.market_date DESC
8 records
market_date transaction_count
2021-08-29 0
2021-08-28 0
2021-07-17 3
2021-01-06 4
2020-01-17 4
2019-07-15 4
2019-06-14 3
2018-10-20 4

Question 5.3 - Multiple Table Joins

Part 1: Calculate the Dollar Cost Average

What is the dollar cost average (btc_dca) for all Bitcoin purchases by region for each calendar year?

  • Create a column called year_start and use the start of the calendar year
  • The dollar cost average calculation is btc_dca = SUM(quantity x price) / SUM(quantity)

Part 2: Yearly Dollar Cost Average Ranking

Use this btc_dca value to generate a dca_ranking column for each year

  • The region with the lowest btc_dca each year has a rank of 1

Part 3: Dollar Cost Average Yearly Percentage Change

Calculate the yearly percentage change in DCA for each region to 2 decimal places

  • This calculation is (current - previous) / previous

Finally order the output by region and year_start columns.

WITH cte_dollar_cost_average AS (
    DATE_TRUNC('YEAR', transactions.txn_date)::DATE AS year_start,
    SUM(transactions.quantity * prices.price) / SUM(transactions.quantity) AS btc_dca
  FROM trading.transactions
  INNER JOIN trading.prices
    ON transactions.ticker = prices.ticker
    AND transactions.txn_date = prices.market_date
  INNER JOIN trading.members
    ON transactions.member_id = members.member_id
  WHERE transactions.ticker = 'BTC'
    AND transactions.txn_type = 'BUY'
  GROUP BY year_start, members.region
cte_window_functions AS (
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY year_start ORDER BY btc_dca) AS dca_ranking,
    LAG(btc_dca) OVER (PARTITION BY region ORDER BY year_start) AS previous_btc_dca
  FROM cte_dollar_cost_average
    (100 * (btc_dca - previous_btc_dca) / previous_btc_dca)::NUMERIC,
  ) AS dca_percentage_change
FROM cte_window_functions
ORDER BY region, year_start
Displaying records 1 - 10
year_start region btc_dca dca_ranking dca_percentage_change
2017-01-01 Africa 3987.626 4 NA
2018-01-01 Africa 7690.713 3 92.86
2019-01-01 Africa 7368.820 4 -4.19
2020-01-01 Africa 11114.125 3 50.83
2021-01-01 Africa 44247.215 2 298.12
2017-01-01 Asia 4002.939 5 NA
2018-01-01 Asia 7829.999 4 95.61
2019-01-01 Asia 7267.679 1 -7.18
2020-01-01 Asia 10759.621 2 48.05
2021-01-01 Asia 44570.901 4 314.24

Thanks for reading!